Find the SMA on LEXIS®-NEXIS®

The full text of arbitration awards decisions published by the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. (SMA) can be found in the USAWDS file of the Admiralty (ADMRTY) library. The SMA materials complement the collection of domestic and British case law, statutory and regulatory materials, and relevant secondary legal and non-legal research sources also found in the ADMRTY library.

Where to Find Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. Arbitration Awards Materials on the LEXIS®-NEXIS® services


The SMA materials may be searched using the following segments (example provided):
CONCURAll concurring opinions, including names of those writing and joining in them.
concur (weather work*** W/10 laytime)
CONCURBYLast name(s) of the arbitrator(s) writing concurring opinions.
concurby (van gelder)
COPYRIGHTName of the publisher and the copyright year.
copyright (society maritime arbitrators)
COUNSELNames of counsel appearing in the matter, and the parties they represent.
counsel (honan AND downey)
DATEDate of the arbitration decision. date = 11/1/1994
DECISIONFull-text of the arbitrators’ final decision. decision (demurrage time bar)
DISSENTAll dissenting opinions or opinions which concur in part or dissent in part, including names of those writing and joining in them. dissent (siciliano)
DISSENTBYLast name(s) of the arbitrator(s) writing dissenting opinions or opinions concurring or dissenting in part.
dissentby (arnold)
NAMENames of the parties involved in the dispute; may include names of vessels and charter information.
name (scanchem chartering AND sunrise shipping AND asbatankvoy)
NUMBERAward number assigned by the Society of Maritime Arbitrators.
number (3025)
PANELNames and titles of the arbitrators deciding the dispute.
panel (mordhorst AND arnold AND van gelder)