Born 1951. Manager, Marine Claims, Global Risk Solutions, Inc.; formerly Director, Technical Marine Claims, Zurich NA.; Board of Subscribers, Water Quality Insurance Syndicate; Manager, Response Operations, Water Quality Insurance Syndicate; President, Southport Associates, Inc., with primary responsibilities including management of vessel pollution incidents and mortgagor/mortgagee insurance consulting; President, TBS Adjusting, Inc., with general U.S. commercial correspondent status on behalf of International Group P&I Club; graduated Middlebury College (B.A.) and Tulane University School of Law (J.D.); and formerly partner, Freehill Hogan & Mahar. Experienced in a full range of P&I, Liability, Cargo and pollution related claims, including ocean, tug/barge, and oil field.

Member: CMA, MLA

Mailing Address: PO Box 10, Reading, VT 05062

Mobile: (646) 430-4976
E-mail: pwiswell@southportassoc.com