MOORE, William H

Dr. Eng. Senior Vice President & Global Loss Prevention Director, The American P&I Club

Dr. William Moore is the Global Loss Prevention Director at Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., managers of the American Club. In that capacity, he brings 30 years of experience in safety and risk management expertise in the reduction of maritime risks and incidents. He formerly worked at ABS in New York and Gard Services in Norway. He acquired his doctorate degree at the University of California at Berkeley in Naval Architecture & Offshore Engineering and is also a graduate of Ocean Systems Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Moore is also formerly the Chairman of the IMO’s Joint Maritime Safety Committee & Marine Environmental Protection Committee’s working group on the Human Element, has participated in and chaired numerous committees of the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress, participated as a committee member of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine committee on Strengthening US Coast Guard Oversight and Support of Recognized Organizations. He is also a Member of the American Bureau of Shipping.

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Phone: +1 (917) 216 4790